2011年4月28日 星期四

Week 2

I guess last week we were too chilled out because of the nice, sunny weather we are getting rarely, so we did not go to the galleries on Saturday as planned. Even it is just the start of the project, where there is not much to do yet, I think we should not be slow down on work, moreover I think the beginning is the most important.

On Tuesday, we went to the galleries that we did not go last week. We went to Whitechapel Gallery first, which is located near Aldgate East station. It is free admission, but there is not much to see. There are just bunch of photographs and some motion arts. After that, we decided to take a walk to the National Gallery near Charing Cross. It was a long walk and after half an hour, we decided to go to the Tate Modern, which we just passed by instead. The walk is not a waste though, we saw many interesting buildings, and how they are planned-built in the city of London.

We went to the site on Wednesday, and we have done some mapping, and generally observing the site and surroundings. After that we headed back to college to do more after-work. We wrote a list of what we should do for the research of this project. There seems to be a lot to get done before the formative assessment, which is in 2 weeks time. I think we should work harder, because I know that things that we need to get done is not just the list, but beyond it.

Week 1

This week has been a casual week, because our tutor has gone for the administrative meeting, so there is not much time for tutorial. Although there is no tutorial section, I think we have to be more self-directed to do work. This Friday is a bank holiday, so we decided in our group that we are going to visit some galleries this Saturday.

2011年4月27日 星期三

New project in Shoreditch

Brief is given today, and the new project in Shoreditch that we have to do is about restaurant and gallery design. The site plan has not been given yet, and the location is still uncertain after briefing. We have to start researching in groups again just as we did for the last project.